Monday, November 1, 2010


Would you believe that the stylistic roots of drumming go all the way back to the Moorish invasion of Europe, starting in the 8th Century?  When this happened, there was quite a bit of cultural exchange between Spain, France and Africa.

The importance of African music/instrumentation on jazz cannot be understated.  One direct influence from Africa on what is now the drum set is the use of unpitched drums.  A couple of stylistic (when playing) techniques that came from Africa were superimposing one rhythmic structure on top of the other (like 2 against 3 - listen here), and use of repetitive rhythms, such as clave rhythms (listen here). Claves are pictured below.

Playing Claves
A huge stylistic influence that came from Africa and was transferred to drum set playing was improvisation. Since jazz was one of the earliest forms of music played on the drum set, improvisation (one of the biggest components of jazz) played a huge role in how the early drum set was played.

I will explore more early culture surrounding the drum set in my next blog. Until then, play some music, and visit our website!

Tim Kurteff-Schatz

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